Thursday, April 23, 2009

Most (recent) embarrassing moment: "No hablo"



last week I had dinner with my sis, her new man, my hubby and child at Habanero's Mexican restaurant. Sister's b-day is coming up soon and so, i thought it would be fun to have the restaurant people sing to her.

ok...I'll be honest...I wanted to show off my bilingual ability just a bit. Since I took Spanish in college, I wanted to use it, plus I wanted it to be a surprise when they came around with that GI-MONG-US sombrero. So, i thought it would be pretty cool for me to tell our waiter, in Spanish, that it's sister's birthday and then sister would be surprised! :) nice idea, huh??


I'll be honest again...I don't know Spanish THAT well, so when I told the waiter "Feliz Cumplianos" (while making the air arrow toward sister with my eyes), I wasn't sure if he would understand that I was trying to tell him it was HER b-day and NOT that I was wishing HIM a happy birthday. kwim?

Little did I know......the waiter.....would NEVER understand what I was trying to tell him .....

ANY WAY... I'm sitting at the table with everyone, I'm speaking in a language for which I am familiar but not fluent and the waiter says,

"'am...I'm sorry, but i don't speak Spanish."

WTH??? omg. I was so embarrassed. Of course sister, her beau and my hubby DIED laughing.

So much for being cool.... I'm just a big ole dork.


p1p3r said...


I thought it was required that you speak Spanish at a Mexican restaurant! Who knew?

Deshaine said...

I KNOW! I felt like a FOOL!