Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The hub got a temp job.

He starts Thursday.

It's better than nothing.
I am proud of him for feverishly job hunting.

Maybe this temp gig will find it's way to a better paying, full time, with benefits, Monday through Friday, 8 to 5 gig.

in the meantime I've:
  1. contacted the mortgage company about a Loss Mitigation Plan
  2. contacted my 401(k) agents and decreased (50%) my contribution
  3. met with my HR rep and decreased my federal and state tax withholdings
  4. contacted the leasing company on my car about a re-fi
  5. found a suitable, non-data package requiring cell phone so I can decrease (50%) my bill
  6. made payment arrangements with the power company for last month's payment
  7. made payment arrangements with the water company for last month's payment
  8. adjusted my credit card payment (50%) to reflect only the minimum due

what else can I do? I am open to suggestions...

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